About Us

Green Sprouts an initiative of ILIA, a 501c(3) educational and charitable non-profit, is operated by high school youth. Green Sprouts is a platform for youth and adults to develop leadership skills through practical application in a community-service and capacity building application.


ILIA brings to communities across the US cutting edge training and professional grade development in areas of project management, program development, teacher leadership development, governance framework, quality management, systematic thinking and systems engineering, board training, leadership coaching and mentoring, professional development, career planning, strategic planning and mission development, fund raising training and business process management.


As a national leader in youth leadership programming, ILIA offers a rich diversity of services for youth such as classroom-based courses, outdoor retreats, mentoring & coaching programs, Islamic leadership-based counseling services, leadership-based tutoring, online classes, seminars and short programs, workshops, character development, internships, volunteering and community service. ILIA serves gifted and talented youth, incarcerated youth, homeless youth, runaways, academically challenged and partners with many schools, youth groups, juvenile centers, teen community canters and clubs.


Green Sprouts website has been developed by our high school, middle school and elementary school group. Our elementary school group developed the images for the website, the middle school group purchased the domain and setup the main site layout and design and the high school group contributed to the content and text. Please support their efforts.


Green Sprouts is backed by a strong adult team and a dynamic young group.

Project Leader: Br. Ibrahim Al-Araby

Abrar Lohani
Amir Abdelrady
Ayman Nassar
Doha Nassar
Hamza Ameen
Haroon Butt
Karim Hassan
Mahmoud Elansary
Maryum Nassar
Mohamed French
Mohamed Ishaq
Mostafa Halawa
Moustafa Hussein
Nada Elansary
Nagy Elansary
Noor Nahavandi
Nur Bayomi
Omar Ibrahim
Razeen Khan
Shreif Shata
Talaat Shehata
Walaa Sidky
Wudood Omran